I have a Baby Dobby which is the Baby Wolf 8 Shaft with an AVL mechanical dobby attachment. They were only made for a few years and this one is dated 12/23/87. There are about 100 dobby bars and the associated pins and tool included.
I have woven towels on this and enjoy the dobby but they are no longer supported by AVL and I have had a few problems with the spring system that holds the fingers against the dobby bars. This causes sticks sometimes.
Someone with time and patience can fix this loom. It was in storage for 20+ years so still needs more cleaning (I got first layer off!). Another option is to convert it back to a standard Baby Wolf 8 shaft. I have the parts list needed from Schacht and all can be had (including the tie up cords) for about $125 plus shipping and an afternoon of work.
I’m asking $750 for this loom and will be attending Great Lakes Fiber Festival in Wooster, Ohio at the end of May and can bring it along.