For Sale:
Union Rug Loom and warping equipment
about 36” weaving width
2 harnesses, 2 treadles, in good condition with replacement brakes, crank, and beater pivots
comes with (or available separately):
LeClerc tension box, spool rack, and about 20 yards of cotton 4/8 rug warp on the warp beam - ready to weave!
Loom comes with enough white cotton 4/8 on the warp beam for about 15 30” wide throw rugs, and a bin of rolls of fabric selvedges in colorful calico & check prints. If you’ve been wanting to weave rugs, this is a great package deal to get you started!
Whole package $300
or separately:
Loom $175
Tension Box $75
Spool Rack $75
For pick up only in Albany/Saratoga area - PM me if interested