I have several assorted weaving books. Please include your zip code when contacting me so I can get you a shipping quote.
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Title include:
Paracas Fabrics and Nazca Needlework The Textile Museum. 3rd Century BC. Copyright 1954 with original dust jacket (has tears) - front cover a bit bowed from age. Previous owner’s name in ink inside. $60
The Primary Structures of Fabrics An Illustrated Classification by Irene Emery Copyright 1966 with dust jacket (has tears). Previous owner’s name in ink inside. $25
Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving by Betty Linn Davenport $15
Hands On Rigid Heddle Weaving by Betty Linn Davenport $15
Avery Hill’s 33 Contemporary Swedish Weaving Patterns for Monk’s Cloth by Jeanne Tams and Nan Duffin $15
Avery Hill’s Swedish Weaving Huck Embroidery Designs Book II by Jeanne Tams and Nan Duffin $35
Learn to Make Monk’s Cloth Afghans $4