Hello! I live as a full-time volunteer/missionary in a community for the chronically homeless. (It’s called The Community First! Village, and you can get a sense of what we do here
I’d love to purchase a few small rigid heddle looms (Cricket, SampleIt, etc.) that I could use to start a therapeutic weaving group among our residents. We live in RVs and “tiny houses,” so the smaller looms (under 15 inches) would be best.
I don’t have a budget for this project and would be buying them personally, so my ideal price would be $50-$100. I realize that’s a low range, but perhaps someone has a little loom collecting dust and would be willing to sell it at a low rate.
PM if you have any looms or leads.
Many thanks!
Bethany Hebbard
P.S. We’re located in Austin, Texas, so if anyone is within an hour or so, I could pick up directly.