I’m feeling the defeat of trying to attain a 100cm Ideal. That being said…I’m still looking
As such I’m going to broaden my search and look for a used 100cm Lilla Oxaback (around 30-31 weaving width). I’d be open to a 90cm Lilla if it’s priced right.
(I’ve been informed that some of the Lillas are quite large. I’m looking for a 90-100cm weaving width).
I live in Portland but also have contacts in Eugene Oregon and the best way to reach me is via email at
Things I’m also search for include:
Glimakra multi Cone stand
Glimakra Combi Stand (for heddles and sticks, etc)
Glimakra weaving bench 70cm
Glimakra 86-87cm weaving shafts